Thursday, October 15, 2015

6 Ways Marketers Are Increasing Conversions with Engage

The most underused method of capturing conversions on websites is by using onsite notifications. These are nudges and modals that appear on a webpage to help move a visitor towards conversion.

Kissmetrics Engage does just that. It lets you interact with your website visitors in a polite way, and allow you to guide visitors towards certain areas of your website.

The best part? You can tailor your messaging to specific audiences and customize the timing. If you catch a visitor at the perfect moment, you’re set to get that conversion.

A question we often hear is, “This is great. How do I use it on my website?” Well, here are 6 different ways marketers are using Engage to successfully increase their conversions.

Before we dive into the different types of Engagements, here’s a quick breakdown of the Engagement usages to give you a better idea of how it’s being used by fellow marketers:


1. Sign Up CTA

The single most popular use is to directly help someone move down the funnel by displaying a sign up or purchase CTA on the pricing page or product page.

Here are a couple of examples:


This particular lightbox is placed after a visitor is on the pricing page for over 30 seconds, typically indicating that the visitor is deciding between plans. The best part about this lightbox is it nudges the user towards the free plan, which is a much smaller ask than starting with a paid plan. They know the user will eventually upgrade, and guiding them towards the free plan first establishes trust and ensures conversion.


This Engagement describes the value of signing up. It’s all about the benefit to them in this message, which makes it nearly irresistible to the visitor.

2. Content Promotion

You have a lot of content, but there are certain pieces you’d like your customer to see right away. That’s why promoting content using Engage is the second most popular use. A highly common instance is when SaaS and cloud customers have promote whitepapers or case studies that really show the value of their service. But here is a great example from a diet and nutrition content site:


Not only does this nudge demonstrate full benefit to the visitor, but it feels very personal. Plus, it’s free, so they really have nothing to lose. This Engagement is perfect for content like a mini-course as it will establish credibility when the visitor starts seeing results. Because they were nudged to take the free mini-course, they are more likely to come back for premium content.

3. Promotion and/or Discount

No surprise here—a lot of marketers are using Engage to offer promotions or a flash sale. A sudden discount will drive impulse purchases and display a sense of urgency if the coupon expires in a certain timeframe.

One marketer creatively used Engage to display the “mystery coupon” that was emailed out to their customers, which linked to a page with the offer. Boosting existing campaigns is a really great way to use Engage:


4. Feature Promotion

There are some features or sections of your app or website that increase retention and possibly upsells. Similar to promoting content, promoting a feature can be another way to move visitors further down the funnel.

For example, sites with a pricing calculator or quiz to help select which product to purchase would want their visitors to use it as it drives them to conversion:


5. Contact Us

You know when you’re browsing around a store and someone comes up to you and asks, “Can I help you find anything today?” That’s what a Contact Us Engagement is like. Chances are, your visitors have questions but won’t always go out of their way to contact you, so it’s better to be proactive and ask them first. It can also take the place of a chat tool or popup, by driving people to a contact page or even displaying a phone number to call to get ahold of a human:


6. Newsletter

If you want to grow your subscriber list, Engage is the perfect tool to capture your visitors’ email addresses before they’re done consuming your content. Also, this is a much smaller conversion perfect for visitors who are at the top of the funnel and aren’t ready to buy from you yet.

We used an Engagement on our blog to do the same thing and we saw a 9.2% lift in newsletter signups:


Another good example to nudge visitors to sign up for a newsletter:


Get Started Today!

Want to know a little more about Engage? Just watch this video:

We built Engage to help marketers nudge visitors towards action. You’ve seen the way marketers are increasing their conversions with Engage. Want to get started? Request a personal demo today!

About the Author: Allison is the Marketing & Content Strategist at Kissmetrics, where she writes conversion copy for emails and landing pages. You can follow her on Twitter.

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