Google has fixed an issue where the Search Console query report in Google Analytics 3, aka Universal Analytics, was not populating. The data stopped coming in as of October 1st but the other day, Google fixed the issue and backfilled the data in the report.
I have verified, the data is now fully populated in the Search Console queries report in Universal Analytics 3.
What was the issue. Google Analytics, specifically the Universal Analytics 3 version and not Google Analytics 4, was not showing any query data within the integrated Search Console reporting after October 1, 2022. If you try to access your query data within Acquisition > Search Console > Queries, you will see the data for the past several days is shown as “not set” during that time frame.
What it looked like. Here is a screenshot I pulled from one of the profiles I have in my Google Analytics profiles in my original story:

Fixed. Now when you load this report, you see all the query data that would otherwise show in Google Search Console and Google Analytics 4.
John Mueller of Google informed us that this was fixed on Twitter:
Why we care. If you used that report for analysis and report generation for your managers or clients, then it is now back in action. We were a little concerned that the report would not be fixed with Google’s plans to sunset UA3 for GA4 but Google did indeed fix the report.
The post Google Analytics v3 Search Console report query data restored appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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